The Affinia Healthcare Foundation

The Affinia Healthcare Foundation endeavors to secure financial resources to address unmet healthcare needs in our community through the strategic initiatives of Affinia Healthcare.

We appreciate the generosity of our donors, standing with the Affinia Healthcare Foundation to address healthcare inequities, supporting our mission, to address unmet health care needs for vulnerable people in our community through the strategies of Affinia Healthcare!

Your donations help mothers give birth to healthy babies, and to decrease the prevalence of diabetes and other diseases, dental caries, substance use disorders, as well as, support access to COVID-19 services such as testing, vaccines and treatment.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Affinia Healthcare Foundation, use the form below or mail a check to the address listed below. 

Donate by Mail

To make a gift by mail, send your check made payable to:

Affinia Healthcare Foundation
PO Box 551
St. Louis, MO, 63188-0551

foundation raffle for mexico trip

Foundation to raffle luxury trip to Mexico for fundraiser

The Affinia Healthcare Foundation is giving you the chance to win the vacation of a lifetime!  

Enter today for your chance to win a 7-day trip to Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico! The Vacation Raffle is open to everyone (staff and general public), so grab your friends and family and enter for your chance to win! 

Visit for more details about this opportunity and to purchase your ticket(s). If you have any questions, please reach out to Alyssa Detrick at

The Spirit of Giving fundraiser earns $40K

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Affinia Healthcare Foundation Spirit of Giving virtual event! Because of your support we raised over $40,000 to address the unmet healthcare needs of the St. Louis community! 
We are grateful for the support and caring of all who donated and helped to make this possible!
We are thankful to all who supported our recent fundraiser! 

A special thank you to The Spirit of Giving sponsors:

Arcturis, A.T. Still University, Capes Sokol, Carrollton Bank, Forvis Mazars

Visionary: Dr. Cole Schulte

Innovator: Don Hiemenz, Home State Health, Quest Diagnostics, LiUNA Local 110 

David and Laurel Walters, International Institute of St. Louis

Ron and Yvonne Buhlinger, Richard Gram, Jonathan Falk, Dr. Melissa Tepe

In-Kind Support Opportunities

The Affinia Healthcare Foundation holds periodic drives for items needed by Affinia Healthcare patients and other vulnerable people in our community. We are currently in need of new toys, non-perishable foods, and winter clothes for children and unhoused individuals in our community.  Links with information on how to donate for each of our drives are listed below. Your support of the Affinia Healthcare Foundation will help meet the needs of vulnerable people in our community!


If you like to make a donation for a specific health care need, our current priorities include:

$1,000 Level

• Provides comprehensive medical and dental care for one adult patient for a year
• Provide medical visits for one newborn for the first year
• Provide behavioral health visits for six months to a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder

$500 Level

• Dental visits for one year for a patient
• Acute substance abuse treatment for one month for an opioid abuser
• Prenatal visit with lab testing and ultrasound for one uninsured pregnant woman

$350 Level

• Insulin and supplies for a diabetic patient for one month
• Hepatitis B series of vaccines for three patients
• Preventive dental visit and dental sealants for an uninsured child

$175 Level

• One medical visit for an uninsured child
• One diagnostic mental health visit for a child
• Language interpretation for two dental visits
• Asthma medication for an uninsured child for one month
• Three pairs of eyeglasses for uninsured children

$50 Level

• Reading of one screening mammogram for an uninsured woman
• One podiatry visit for an uninsured patient
• PSA testing to screen for prostate cancer for ten men

Used the button below to Fund-A-Need for the Affinia Healthcare Foundation today!

Make an Appointment

Call Affinia Healthcare today to make an appointment.

Our Locations

We provide trusted health services through highly qualified and dedicated professionals. Find the Affinia Healthcare location near you.

If you like to make a donation for a specific health care need, our current priorities include:

Meet the Foundation Team

Yvonne Buhlinger

Executive Vice President, Foundation; VP, Development & Community Relations

alyssa detrick

Alyssa Detrick

Development Coordinator

affinia healthcare logo

Grant Writer

George Hyaw